


communicating respect for the individual child, the importance of freedom of movement to aid the child’s physical and cognitive development, and allowing the child to participate in daily routines of self-care and care of the environment. 


The Pre-Primary community is lively and spontaneous, but you will see the beginnings of concentration and genuine social awareness.  The program is rich with language acquisition and budding social skills.  The room is arranged to allow toddlers to move about freely, and to socialize among themselves. 

The teacher moves peacefully about, conversing, encouraging or simply observing.  As the children become able, they take an active role in the running of class, preparing food and feeding themselves, as well as their toileting needs.  The materials look simple, but are very precisely designed to enhance gross and fine motor skills.  Most of the activity is individual.

Toddlers are intrepid explorers.  They require an environment worthy of their exploration, one that encourages but does not overwhelm.  They are constantly making new discoveries and are striving to perfect the skills that will allow them to pursue their explorations more independently.  Our job is to provide a supportive environment in which these things can take place.  Everything is designed to allow children to function independently, to whatever extent they are able, and so they will view themselves as capable individuals.  This sense of independence and self-reliance is fostered from the time children arrive at the Pre-Primary room – carrying in their own diapers, taking off their own coats, choosing their own work – until the time they leave – cleaning up their space, putting on their own coats.

When they are ready, in terms of personal independence and social readiness, children move up from Pre-Primary to the Primary Community. 

Sending our son to this school has been a wonderful decision... we are amazed at how much progress he has made in such a short time. The staff and teachers have been so kind and supportive. He is only two, but when he’s not at school he’s talking about seeing his friends at school and asking if he has “school today.” We love BRMS!
— Taylor Family